ok testers

i need to know if others are able to post links to forums, in the 'Sims Forums' section. i also need a pm tester, and a block tester (if there is one), so i know those features work.  (i have also deleted the real name question, because i dont like that feature)
i currently have NO idea how to implement a link to a personal blog. links on the profiles dont seem to work. the RSS feed on the profiles dont seem to work. so if someone has ANY idea what i can do about this, i would appreciate any help at all.

and thank you everyone who is willing to test out and help create this potential new community :)


  1. I'm over in the chat and happy to help if you'd like =)

  2. I just made a new deal in the "Sims Forum" part, added my blog link as a test and it works

  3. Ok well, there's a link widget deal.. since I added a little test forum into your site forums it made a link to my profile page. So I guess it seems the "link" widget links all your forum topics to your profile page, the ones you made of course

  4. Same added my link to my site and it works and tried the videos. Seems to put it everywhere. In the section (whether Sims forum or Video's in the case of the machinima), your profile page and the main page. I'll test out more a little later.

  5. hmm i was hoping to keep the forum links and blog links seperate, to make them easier for ppl to find. ill have to see what i can do there. i wanted to add another 'links' tab and name it blogs, but it wont let me add another one :/

    thanx for all the input, ill be looking into fresh ideas and seeing what i can do :)

  6. I like the set-up like it is, maybe have some different colors if possible. Is there a way to make just a straight forum page?

  7. yes there is an embeddable forum,i removed it. i thought with links to forums all over the place we wouldnt need a base-forum. i can reactivate it tho if you think it would be a good feature to have.
    i can customise all the colors and add graphics. i havent done that yet, as i was trying to see how the place worked out first. seems like its going to be fairly do-able. i wont be able to do the blog links like i had oreviously wanted to, but we can add blog links to the forum links tab, so i guess that will do. now i need to figure out where to add custom content site.. if we put EVERYTHING in links, it might just end up a mishmash in there. altho, there IS a search feature, so if people tag their links approriately they should be fairly easy to find.

    what colors were you thinking we should make the place? and any ideas on logos? i was gonna do a monkey/ape looking thing with a plumbob on its head XD

  8. I like most colors, so I will be happy with whatever. Maybe come up with a few different logos and everyone vote for what they like the best.


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