this went better than i thought!
there was this genie she had met in college, that had disappeared. he was her 'pocket boyfriend'. i was planning on having her marry him when she got home, but when she returned to aurora skies and called the genie, it was a different genie. he wasnt in her relationship panel anymore and i had no way of contacting or finding him. i thought he was gone.
after long since giving up on him, she goes to throw a party, and bam, there he is. so i invite him right away.
and he showed up i was thrilled!
she wasted no time hitchin up her wagon before this horse ran off again
i think maybe the last time i had quads was before ITF, because having a plumbot really helped this go by without much incident. and now with a new husband, there are 3 adults to care for the little ones
they really learned their stuff fast! i had all four walking, talking and crapping at least 2 days before aging up. and all were best friends with one another
Xander, quite a handsome lad
Xerxes.. a little bit crazy
Andromeda.. my favorite.
they have all grown up into fine little sims :) i didnt need the plumbot anymore so i sent her on her way. my family is full enough!
but now, the new hubby wants a child of his own... OHBOY
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