adventures in dragon valley

 so i made a new simself (the other one was just kinda weird looking) and stole the old one's dog, cat, and robot, and moved her into dragonvalley.

got a little bored of my rockstar genie guy. for now. just need a break i guess (and hes a constant reminder of all my game issues lol)
build this really cool victorian house on the water on a private island.

my robot, Iron Maiden.  she has a my little pony holo pet on one shoulder, and a dragon on the other lol

my 2 roomates! my daughter discovered the roomate feature and i had to try it out (i had roomates in college, but i had no idea you could do it in homeworld) neither of my roomates like me.

got this random zombie. isnt he handsome? looove the look on his face lol.

i seem to have forgotten to get a pic of my , my dogs, or my house HAHA


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