Jeepers, a Creeper!

so some of you may remember a few posts back, about the slutty guy who wanted to go cheat on his wife (with 4 kids) to go bang some tramp from myspace. WELL.. i find out today this guy is a registered sex offender and raped some girl down the street.. (well, so says the neighborhood gossip, and i take gossip with a grain of salt) i couldnt actually find him on the registered sex offender website, but that doesnt mean i want him hanging around my house OR my kids. as far as im concerned, that guy can go to hell.


  1. I don't blame you for not wanting to be around the jackass, seriously, what is it with people these days? We have a sex offender that lives within walking distance from our house, we didn't even know he was registered until we found him on family watch dog, he is registered for child pornography... Eww...

  2. yeah eww... these weirdos are everywhere, its really disturbing

  3. For the love of god. This is the stuff that makes my want to puke.

  4. Why do they let them out of jail? EVER? They just go back and do the same thing!

  5. xD

    There are girls too . . . but not many

  6. female 'sex offenders' are usualy older women who date a teenage boy. which, altho wrong and sick, isnt really the same as being a pervert


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