well im going to be fucked all weekend

my daughter found a lump. my TEN year old daughter. but her doctor is closed all weekend so i cant have anyone look at it. i googled it, yes a ten year old CAN get breast cancer. its rare but it happens. and breast cancer runs in my family so her risk factor is probably higher than normal.

 im probably just doing my hyper-anxiety hypochondriac thing and it just a bruise or something. but i wont find out till next week at least cause the doctor is closed so he cant tell me, 'you're being paranoid, its nothing.'

i get to have anxiety all weekend yay!

and next week is her birthday. what a birthday present...


  1. well i guess im just a nervous nelly after all. took her to the walk-in. doc said its normal development for her age so she shouldnt need an unltrasound or anything. well thats a relief.

  2. Glad she's ok. Just make sure she keeps an eye on it and check for lumps frequently as she gets older. She should be fine with a mom like you around. ;)

  3. I'm glad your daughter's okay. Hope she's having a good Spring Break. Great timing for her birthday and all.

  4. thanx guys :) yeah were going to keep watching it just ot be safe but the doc says he sees this all the time so i guess i overreacted


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