this generation isnt going well..

 zinfindel wasnt the ideal heir to begin with. hes a little odd looking.  but hes what i have so im going to make the best of it. at least he looks pretty hot with  long hair and tattoos.

 but its time to find him a lady (or dude). the next generation needs to be planted!

 he went to one of the many nightclubs around town. he met a few quality candidates there. Reagan was the most beautiful. but her personality was meh.

 then there was heidi. his old babysitter? someone in the families babysitter. she hasnt aged a day. she loves dogs and the outdoors. hey i have a dog and an outdoors!

 then there was ximena. not bad, but certainly no jaw dropper.

 last but not least, uh.. floorlek? i dont remember the name exactly. some alien guy/girl who seems interesting.

 his little brother sarlac is getting older. and MAN is he ugly

 zinfindel doesnt really need a job. they bring in over 20k a day from all the money trees. but he wants to be a mixologist so might as well join the culinary career.

he literally throws money at people. he took Reagan out on a romantic getaway in the forest so they could get better acquainted. it did not go well. she caught on fire almost as soon as they walked into the cabin. what is it with this family and fire?? and she barely survived a pufferfish nigiri plate that zinfindel made of questionable quality. she was lukewarm to his advances the entire trip so he ended early.

but alas. perhaps he should have kept her out in the woods for the entire week. the day after coming home he went ot the gym and reagan was there. she suddenly choked on something and died. SHE DIED. right there in front of him

 yeah he was a little upset about that. he really liked her. o well theres a few more gals on the list! lets see, whos next..

heidi! shes pretty cute. lets see how things go with her.

 he lured her up to his room over being so sad about reagan.

 it led to some petting

 since the date went so well, zinfandel popped the question out of the blue.

 she refused!

he figured it was bad timing and let her go home. a day or so later he invited her to the park and proposed again. again she said no. so he dumped her, this was going nowhere fast. he cant be strung along forever!

he found a vampire named stevie who he sorta likes.. but she left halfway through the date. what the hell dude, do you smell? girls just dont seem to like you.  hes still got ximena hopefully. after that it might be time to see if there are any guys who like him.

of course, it could always be his sexy hat. im sure its intimidating to have a man this fine talking to you.

holiday time! it sure is a party when all of champagnes kids are in one place

 zinfindel's dad is getting on in years, and since he is the heir, i need dads tombstone at the house. so he invited him to move in. that shouldn't be awkward at all. champagne still lives here. with her new husband...

hopefully we can get this girl repellant bastard to breed sometimes in his life or the Sirashian line ends with him. not including his 45 siblings.


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