
so after my disappointing start in the new town, i started another new game with the same name as the old one. SparkleParty.  its the exact same map :o. i popped into existence in pretty much the same area i was living in before, and i found my way to my lot near the beach, and began building my fort again lol. same fort, same location. this time its a multiplayer game because every time this crap has happened to me its always been a single player game. so lets hope that makes some kinda difference. i build my fort on top of a graveyard, so this time i also filled in the graves with blocks instead of just paving over them. maybe it needed more support or something.

so far so good, but its only day 6 and it was almost day 14 when the other one went kablooey. but ive got most of it built, i just need to fill in the wood frames. it has a kill floor and two lookout towers, and a great view of the lake behind me. it will be fun to live here. :)

heres hoping the save lasts more than a week haha


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