Hemlock legacy

 well it looks like im going to have to keep the children's rooms locked. seems like everyone in the entire house, (even the help) just likes to hang out in there while the children are sleeping. rude

 all three children watc.... HEY! get your naked ass away from the children!

stephan is such a good boy. always does his homework without any prompting, gets good grades, and at least 3 of this personality wheel things are in the green.

 and  he grew into a fine looking young man! im pleased the one and only child i got from vivika is so .. well perfect

 ohno! claudia had a want to make a wish and the wishing well killed her! why do i even keep that thing? that means the pool of heirs is down to one. just lestat.  (or stephan but hes a backup) so vivek and fabian had one more baby.

 little dax has pappa's eyes.

 just as disturbing as claudia was.

 fabian (a pyro) was playing in their new campfire area and managed to set himself on fire. he just stood there for a really long time.

 lestat is growing into a fine lad too but im still not positive hes my heir. i will wait and see how dax turns out.

meanwhile, stephan is my golden boy. i might move him out into his own place and start a new legacy with him, to play with thru the slow spots.


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