the Legacy of Ima Fuglivich -an uglacy-


its been a long time since ive attempted an uglacy. i think sims 3 was the last time i tried one. but i got the idea for her on a whim so might as well give it another try. this is Ima Fuglivich. i yanked her face around, stretched out her nose, completely disappeared her chin/jaw, made her eyes huge and close together, and pulled her mouth out. shes also deathly skinny and has a huge butt. shes also super tall.  i randomized her traits and she got active, erratic, and horticulturist. her LTW is to be a celebrity. i started her off in my seed town, which has custom townies and a few EA ones who have been madeover. 

first things first. Ima needs a job. and since she is sure to be such a sensation, she joined the acting career. who wouldnt want to see this face grace their screens?

hmm she might actually be kinda cute now that i see her in game. 

never mind i take it back

threw together a nice little house from some floorplans i had on my phone. its the big lot in the mountains, so her future generations can improve the lot as they go. no need to ever move away.

getting some acting practice in. 

she cant wait to be a famous movie star!!

aaand the first hot guy she meets is Lucifer Morningstar.. he looks so thrilled to meet her

the club was hopping and lots of cute guys showed up. she met this guy who i think is a mermaid. and at least 3 others who im pretty sure are single. i dont want her stealing any married guy (just yet) so let her woo the single dudes first. 

her body actually isnt too bad. i thought making her so thin would be kinda gross but with that big butt, she just ended up being kinda hot lol. oh well, her face is still pretty nasty

ok her knees are all round and knobby lol. she wore her skinny ass out and needs to go home and take a nap

the next day she went to a different bar. this one in glimmerbrook. i think thats morgyn ember?

she met this handsome fellow. i think hes single

and this guy seems nice, hes a minor celeb so she just HAD to introduce herself. 

ah it WAS morgyn, they changed their clothes at some point. well, theyre not off limits, go get him! i can force them to breed if i really want to

i think she met enough men to have a good start. now she can go about her life and ill see who the game pushes to start calling her and inviting her places. i also havent decided on whether or not i want her to be monogamous or have to just go ahead and sleep with ALL them dudes. i suppose it will leave more genetic material for her offspring if i dont overdo it in that department lol. so we shall see what tomorrow brings!


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