Spying on the Sirashians
Noel is getting on in years now. its her last hope that her youngest son and heir, settle down and have a family while shes is still around to see it.
he is still so young, barely beginning his life. and hes a giant doofus. but there is no time like now to go out and find a wife. so he started his tour of the local clubs and bars.
for several nights Tarian went out on the town, but the pickins were slim. lots of ladies sure, but none that really caught his eye. he chatted up a few promising gals, but they proved to have annoying personalities so that didnt go anywhere
he gave up and went out for yoga. he took a class and got himself nice and relaxed. during his lunch break he saw an interesting woman working there, giving massages. he found her fascinating, and couldnt stop talking to her.
Jalise Sirashian was her name. her mother was super famous back in the day as well as the rest of her family. but now she is broke with a bad dye job working in this yoga studio. i could see the diamond in the rough here. she looks like a turd now, but all she needed was a makeover and she would be gorgeous. Tarian moved in for the kill.
not long after, Leonard kicked the bucket.
Noel is a widow. she is absolutely devastated.
The house needed some happiness. Tarian proposed to Jalisa. she happily accepted and they were married the day after winterfest.
and her makeover went even better than i expected it would. what a beauty!
might as well start getting to know the family dogs. they are your dogs now too!
Jalisa had to be introduced to the entire family as well. Zeenon and the cousins come over pretty frequently. its a very close family. i think she is allergic to you, bro.
she got pregnant almost immediately. wow! they havent even been married for like a whole day!
Tarian started strutting around after getting the big news.
he even danced a rumbasim for her.
i dont remember why i took this pic... shes just so freeking gorgeous i cant stop looking at her. i have a thing for voluptuous redheads it would seem.
once the snow thawed in the spring i discovered the friendly gnome had left us some presents. wow!
Aunt Dahlia died unexpectedly. it was unexpected because i didnt know she was even in my house. Tarian was on his way to the bathroom when it said 'witness death' and im like who the hell died??
Jalisa gave birth to twin boys, Sebastian and Sergio. and the game gave Tarian her last name (it seems to like to do that to me) so i guess we are the Sirashian family now.
Noel was overjoyed to live long enough to see her grandchildren born. unfortunately, she died on the way to meet them. she couldnt have hung on for just a few minutes more :(
well she lived a long and fruitful life. its been a blast, Naked Noel. your adventures were entertaining.
but now a new chapter opens. Keeping up with the Sirashians? Looking out for the Sirashians? hmm
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