so i married a dead girl
i finally got puppies again! lady had two cute little pups. vriska and karkat.
zinfindel got abducted?? good thing the household is full i guess. i really need to fix that. how can he get married in a full house? karkat and sarlac were moved out
zinfindel tried his last resort. floorwax, or floorshine or whatever its name is. they didnt really hit things off with him either. is zinfindel destined to just die alone?
he went to the club to collect his thoughts. and who should show up but dead raegan. she still had feelings for him. and he still kinda liked her. so he went for it. death cant keep us apart!
she invited him out on a date the next day. i guess shes not mad at me for kinda sorta killing her. i owe it to her to give her a good life.
so i moved her in. turns out she has TWO causes of death. fire and puffer fish.. whoops. that makes both of those deaths on zinfindel. but the fire didnt kill her! she was alive for days afterward. she must have hung on, in pain and misery just to be with him. and when he ended the vacation early because he thought she wasnt interested, it broke her heart and she finally succumbed to the reaper. so tragic! i wont stand for this. raegan WILL live again.
she wished for life!
denied. even after giving quite a generous donation
her second time asking went better. this time he gave her ingredients for ambrosia. better than nothing!
he couldn't wait for her to be flesh and bone. he needed to make her his own as soon as possible.
she accepted! its about time someone wants you. and you only had to kill her (twice) first.
they had a beautiful ceremony at home. ahh a spring wedding
i swear that thing is looking at me.... i didnt mean to do it, honest! Raegan is fitting in well in the house. the dogs like her, the parents like her. hopefully she will be flesh soon.. we need heirs!
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