of course my luck has run out

there is no avoiding the combat anymore :(. i new it would happen eventually. ive reached a point now where i NEED combat skills to continue. there is no other way around it, its a large battle. after dying about oooh 12 times i restarted a previous save. now im just wandering around, but im going to need to learn how to do this thing, or the game is over.

its just so clumsy. and i have to PAY to train. so i guess ill just have to wander the woods at night and hope i stumble onto a bandit or two (hopefully not more than that) and get some 'real' practice.

in the meantime, there are a bunch of side quests i can distract myself with. i hope the main storyline doesnt have a time limit on it haha. that would be awkward :/

"henry we've been waiting a month and a half! where have you been?"

"uh.. picking flowers?."


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