am i really THAT bored?

that im loading up perfect world for the first time in like a year? probably take a year just to update. i doubt ill even play it as long as its updating but im just so bored, desolate, and empty i need something... and i dont know what. a new mmo would be nice.. but i dont want to get addicted to a new mmo right before spring again. last year forsaken world kept me holed up in the house like a hermit all summer.. fuck doing THAT again..


  1. LOL Hey Zeri! I'm bored too. I've been sitting around all weekend feeling bored to tears, uninspired, and completely empty.  Maybe it's a spring thing or something. I even joined another forum involving my favorite show and got bored there. Going try sims again myself, but life just seems so boring lately. >_>

  2. wow so im not the only one.. yeah maybe its just spring anxiety... still too early to go out and do anything but your body is just aching to do SOMETHING.. im kinda burnt out on skyrim. (for now) ill go back in a day or 2. this limbo is killin me lol


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