my moms a bitch

so someone on my facebook posted some funny thing, and i resposted it, cause i thought it was funny.. well a few house later i get 3 messages from my mom nagging at me for 'using potty language in public' and 'acting like trailer trash'

ok first of all, nobody fucking asked you. im not 9, i can curse if i fuckin want to. 2nd of all, i dont really appreciate being scolded. fuck you. if you dont like my personality, get off my fucking facebook.

and third of all. FUCK YOU. when have you EVER said anything nice to me, you crusty old bat? FUCK YOU!!!


  1. Ughh I hate when people do stuff like that. I also hate the fact that people get all butthurt over curse worlds, they are just words imo. If you don't like the way I talk, don't listen!

  2. yeah i never invited her to get involved with whatever i was posting. i didnt say 'hey mom, check this out!'

    she just decided to be a bitch and scold me over the internet. for being myself no less...

  3. still cant decide if i should tell her off... prolly a mistake...

  4. I've learned with my mom that most of the time its just best to ignore her or bite my tongue because shes already made up her mind and nothing I say/do will change that.
    If its anything like my relationship with my mom, trying to talk to her will just lead to getting more pissed, upset and stressed.
    It sucks too because I don't like biting my tongue heh.

  5. Don't feel bad. ANYTHING I do period gains my fmilies complaints/dissaproval generally. Is why I left home at 12. lol But I love them anyways. I tried to go back home many times over the years, only to leave again, upset, or angry,or hurt, or all of the above at 1 time. lol Just be yourself. If people don't like it, it's their problem, and getting upset hurts only you. Trust me, as 1 doing this all my life with family on n off, I know. BE YOURSELF, ignore them, and let them bitch about it. Then they are the ones upsetting themselves, instead of upsetting you. hugs :)

  6. I just realized what I said sounded so Brady bunch'ish at the end. :O O.o LMAO

  7. So...I gather from this post that you're a teensy bit annoyed? :)

  8. if it were one incident, i would only be annoying.. but she does this kinda thing to me, ALL the time, over and over.. pretty much every time i have any contact with her. shes just a nasty hateful person

  9. Ughh I hate when people do stuff like that. I also hate the fact that people get all butthurt over curse worlds, they are just words imo. If you don't like the way I talk, don't listen!


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